
Monday, December 7, 2009

Arlington's Hometown Holiday 2009

Hometown Holiday
December 12th & 19th, 11:00am-5:00pm

Alright folks, after a weekend of Christmas tree hunting and holiday baking I finally sat down with the goal of writing about the city of Arlington's annual Hometown Holidays.

This last summer Timothy and I have spent a lot of time bailing hay, hauling hay, bucking hay, and itching with hay-fever. Earlier in the year, when hay was not being cut and bailed, we hunted around for some local grass that would bide us through the spring. This is how we became acquainted with a local Arlington man who participates in Arlington's Hometown Holiday every year. He does so by hitching up his team of Belgian draft horses (gorgeous animals) and giving wagon and sleigh rides around downtown. He said he looks forward to the event every year and with the weather we've been having it's likely that we will have snow this December. Hurray! I can hear the sleigh bells jingling, ring-ting-tingling too!

I am SO happy with Arlington's city website. Its easy to navigate, there's good content, and they seem really eager to get citizens excited about town projects.

According to our local Arlington man, the city goes all out for this Christmas event. I wouldn't miss it! The details are in the city's flyer here.