
Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Aftermath

The nativity scene painted by my great grandmother.

Well I'm back from Idaho. When I met Tim at the SeaTac airport I felt like Tom Hanks in Cast Away. Tim met me at the security exit and I watched his expression morph from agony to relief. He treated me like a survivor of a plane crash - never once letting go of my hand. Tim couldn't believe that I would choose to return to the Puget Sound from my hometown in Idaho. Apparently Tim had spent three hours at the terminal waiting for my plane, a fact he didn't confess until I was safely strapped into the passenger seat of the car.

Does he do that every time you go home for a visit? Yes, but in varying degrees. This trip was worse for Tim because Mr. Howard has since been to Idaho with me. Therefore he knows what it is I leave behind: mountains, rivers, canyons, plains, horses, and a nice cozy home with loving parents. What's to want? Hence Tim's behavior. Of course I milk it.

Here are some photos from my trip home for Christmas:

Jazzmin, my first horse and one of my closest friends, is dozing in the winter sun. I just finished a brisk ride with her. She's still sharp on her feet. I'm always proud of her. :-)

This is the Christmas Dinner arrangement laid for us by my mother. The dinner set itself was given to her by my grandmother, Doris Rideout. I thought the snowmen were cool.

My brothers totally missed out... From top to bottom, my mother made us that yummy green jelly (what is that called?), the frothy cream and fruit stuff, the sweet potatoes, the green beans, the garlic mashed potatoes, and the turkey carved by Dad. What you don't see in this picture are the famous fourth generation yeast rolls.

More photos available on my flickr photostream.